
Showing posts from September, 2020


  ANETIC MILL So in the previous blog (CHECK OUT HERE -  the-new-way ) we discussed how to generate energy, we also discussed the problem that comes with it.. And finally I am going to introduce the new method (Completely original) THE ANETIC MILL..... WHAT IS IT ?   For starters Anetic mill uses magnet to generate electricity, usually mechanical energy is converted to kinetic energy which is then converted to electricity, but in case of Anetic mill magnetic energy is converted to kinetic energy and then to electricity... So we take a ring on which one side (half the ring) is covered with magnets ranging from lowest to strongest.. like this...                                                                              ( that's strongest instead of stronget ) Of course the design will be much more complicated but for the basic idea that's what is happening. Now we place a turbine with 3 fins made of pure iron in the middle and give it a little push towards the strongest magnet

The New WAY !!!

The New way!! Introduction :   We live in the time where energy is everything for us. It has become one of the most crucial " ELEMENT " in our life. Imagine a day without electricity in your home or what happened when and electric cut happened last time (it's quite rare these days to be honest).. YOU JUST FREAK OUT..  But this Crucial Buddy(energy) of ours isn't free of course. IT COMES AT A COST. The cost of our planet.. If you don't know how well I can explain.. (discussed in THE PROBLEM)   The Problem ~    So it all begins here IN THE COAL MINE...                                                                                                                                            Yes, here in the black carbon mines coal is extracted and taken to huge electricity generating  power plants. Reason? Well to burn it. Why? Well to evaporate water or use its smoke. Seriously? Yes Well You see we Humans have known to use each and every material not in one way but